Yesterday's afternoon the marketing and sales team was crowned a hero of the (YEMEN MOBILE INTERNAL LEAGUE FOR THE SEVENTH FOOTBALL).
The celebrating took a place after the marketing team defeated the financial management team yesterday's afternoon on 22May's field with four goals two nothing (4-0). Big characters attended the celebration such as the engineer Sadeq Muslih leader of the council, the engineer Amer Haz'a the CEO, and the audience.
In the first half the marketing team stepped with one goal scored by Hussin Al-muntaser, and in the second half the team stepped the game up and scored three goals tow by Hussin Al-mutaser and one by Ali Al-noyrah.
The match for the third position was before the final match and it ended with a hard winning for the client's service team with its opponent the CEO team with three goals to two (3-2). Mote'h Al-nhari scored two goals for the CEO team, and for the client's service Najeep Al-asbahi scored one and Ismaiel Al-thari scored two goals.
After that, the Chief Executive Officer of YEMEN MOBILE COMPANY and some other managers awarded the winners with colorful cups and medals in football, tennis, and chess games categorized like this:
Football game:
Chess game:
Tennis game:
The organizing committee members were awarded as well.